AdBlock+VPN for iPhone
Blocks nasty ads, speeds up your browser and protects you!

With AdBlocker+VPN, you can enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience without being disturbed by pop-up ads, banners, and other intrusive marketing materials. Our ad-blocking technology is highly effective and automatically detects and eliminates ads across all websites and applications.

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What is AdBlock+VPN?

AdBlocker+VPN is easy to use and works seamlessly with all mobile devices.

Our VPN uses encryption technology to create a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, masking your IP address and encrypting all your communication.

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Why AdBlock+VPN?
Blocks annoying ads, banners and pop-ups
Protection against malware and phishing
Ability to access geo-restricted content
How does it work?

AdBlocker+VPN works by blocking annoying ads and creating a secure and private browsing environment. Our ad-blocking technology automatically detects and eliminates ads across all websites and applications, while our VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, masking your IP address and encrypting all your communication. This ensures that your online activities are private and protected from hackers, cybercriminals, and other prying eyes.

With AdBlocker+VPN, you can enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience without being disturbed by pop-up ads, banners, and other intrusive marketing materials, while also protecting your privacy and security.

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AdBlock+VPN for iPhone
On the App store